Quick Update -- 9/15/2017

In Wizard news this week, I paid a visit to the game Poker or Bust on field trial at the Green Valley Ranch. It is a combination of blackjack and Three Card Poker. This is a clear violation of my 5th of the Ten Commandments for Game Inventors, but I went there with an open mind anyway. It took a while to understand the rules and I lost almost every hand in the process. For more about the game, please visit my page on Poker or Bust .

As some of you know, as long as I went to Oregon to watch the total eclipse, I crossed off a couple things from my bucket list while I was in the Pacific northwest. One was to climb Mount Adams, the second highest peak in Washington. For a blog entry of that experience and the many mountaineering mistake I made, please read my blog entry Mount Adams.  

We have been experiencing some down time due to hosting issues with DreamHost. We have made the decision to migrate from Dreamhost to Amazon in the next couple of days, so our sites may be down for a short period of time.

Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.